GreenWood Family Park

GreenWood Family Park - Y Felinheli

Date of visit - 17/06/2024

When we booked our stay in North Wales we noticed this children's theme/play park, which was just a couple of miles from where we were staying. GreenWood Family Park boasts the world's only people powered roller coaster - the Green Dragon Roller Coaster, which sounded interesting enough in itself to warrant a visit.

Our Little One craves sensory stimulation and having checked the park map out it appeared there was plenty going on, from a barefoot trail, to slides, climbing frames, water slides, a roller coaster and more slides!

I'm not keen on putting negatives into my blog, but feel I should on this occasion highlight something I wasn't happy with. It is clear from all their online information, that the park is child centred, in fact you can't enter the park unless you are accompanied by a child. However, our family unit consists of an adult and a child who are both disabled, yet we could only get the usual "free" carer for one person. The system wouldn't allow me to put 2 carers in on the booking page. Also, clearly as the second disabled person was an adult I couldn't do two separate bookings as you can't have adult only bookings!

Anyway, grumble over...

The ground at GreenWood is quite difficult, particularly if you have mobility issues or are using a buggy or wheelchair. There are lots of tree roots to negotiate, and much of the park is hillside, so there are a lot of ups and downs to negotiate. Our Little One was in a good mood this day and more than happy to walk, on his wrist strap, as we made our way around the park.

Being new to the park we made our way round and came across the collection of animals on site. Little One doesn't pay any attention to animals, but sometimes we have to do things that are right for us too. Yes, our first consideration is always for Little One, but there does have to be a bit of a balance.

With the animals done we began to explore the park.

There is plenty to do, even for the most sensory of children, with plenty of slides, climbing frames, boats and of course the Green Dragon roller coaster.

The highlight for us was probably the Forest Glider. This is a slide, where after dragging a large "tyre" up a slope you ride it back down the hill. Our first run was fast, very fast, in fact so fast the operators running the ride put sacking onto the track to slow the tyres down - spoil sports!

Safe to say Little One enjoyed his rides on the Forest Glider.

The same couldn't be said of his venture on the Little Green Run, his disappointment palpable, as is evident at the end of the above video. If ever a reaction said "is that it" then this was it, in buckets...

Solar Splash made up for it, and gave Little One more of the frill he craves!

As the pictures above show, there were plenty of other things to keep us interested at the park - which I would recommend to anyone in or visiting the area, particularly if you have a child with sensory issues, as they will most likely be in their element!